It is always better to fade in image as they load, as this leads to great user experience. It is much better than just have the images abruptly appear. In order to achieve this we can make use of CATransition which is a subclass
of CAAnimation.
If you are fetching remote images, a great framework to use is SDWebImage. The following
sample code assumes you are using this framework.
// We need this import as we'll be adding the animation to the UIView's layer#import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h>// Let's say we have UIImageView *imageView [imageViewsetImageWithURL:[NSURLURLWithString:@""]completed:^(UIImage*image,NSError*error,SDImageCacheTypecacheType){if(image){CATransition*transition=[CATransitionanimation];transition.type=kCATransitionFade;// there are other types but this is the nicesttransition.duration=0.34;// set the duration that you liketransition.timingFunction=[CAMediaTimingFunctionfunctionWithName:kCAMediaTimingFunctionEaseInEaseOut];[imageView.layeraddAnimation:transitionforKey:nil];}}];
You can also customize the direction of the transition using the subtype property of the CATransition.
This is a quite nice feature if you have a UITableView displaying lots of images.